Gr 10 MYP
Peking Opera - The Monkey King

Guiding Question :How do you use gesture in Peking Opera?
Students focus on
Page to Stage - Staging
Performance skills
Assessment Tasks
2010 - UCCA Monkey King Pictures
Students focus on
Page to Stage - Staging
Performance skills
Assessment Tasks
2010 - UCCA Monkey King Pictures
Masks - Commedia

Guiding Question: What mask do you wear?
Students examine
Physical theatre through Commedia characters
Social commentary
Devising and documenting the devising process
Students examine
Physical theatre through Commedia characters
Social commentary
Devising and documenting the devising process
Optional Units
Collage Drama

Guiding Question - How can Theatre create change?
Student examine
Performance poetry
Movement and Music
Technical - use of projection
Political theatre - Brecht, Boal and Fo
2010 - What a Mess! Pictures
Student examine
Performance poetry
Movement and Music
Technical - use of projection
Political theatre - Brecht, Boal and Fo
2010 - What a Mess! Pictures

Guiding Question - How can puppets change people's opinions?
Students examine
Puppets - Historical to present
Construction techniques
Script writing
2011 - Nosrep - Every child is special
Students examine
Puppets - Historical to present
Construction techniques
Script writing
2011 - Nosrep - Every child is special
Talking in Whisphers

Guiding Question - What is it like to walk in someone else' shoes?
Inspired by the book "Talking in Whispers", student create a character based in Chile during Pinochet's reign and explore through an extended improvisation the search for a missing loved one.
Inspired by the book "Talking in Whispers", student create a character based in Chile during Pinochet's reign and explore through an extended improvisation the search for a missing loved one.
Research Investigation and Critical Review

Both units examine Theatre from a dramaturgical approach.
The Research Investigation is an introduction into the DP theatre. Students are asked to examine as aspect of Asian theatre and prepare a report and oral.
The Critical Review asks students to analyse a piece of live theatre within the context of the production elements used.