VOICE THREAD - Audio and visual - As a introduction into teaching the students skills that they might use in the DP course and especially in DP Theatre, I got my Gr 9 and 10's to do their final reflections as an audio file with pictures. If voice thread wasn't band in China I would have used that but unfortunately it is. So I came up with another solution - well a few actually. Mark 1 - for the students who had Garage band - they recorded their reflections and had pictures that related to their reflections - and they exported as a podcast - which I have been able to listen to through i tunes; Mark 2 - using I Movies(or a movie program) and Audacity - same as above and then I watch them; lastly - using Audacity and Power point /Keynote - they can record the oral and then put it into the power point.
Good start - the reflections need work on. if I have a good one I will post it.